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【院庆法学家国际论坛第10讲】利兹大学法学院Roger Halson教授:The importance of common law
作者: 时间:2017-10-25 浏览次数:

讲座主题:The importance of common law

主讲人:Roger Halson(英国利兹大学法学院教授)







Professor Roger Halson joined the University of Leeds as a professor in 2003.He has previously been the HK Bevan Professor of Law at the University of Hull.Before that, he was lecturer, senior lecturer and sub-dean at UniversityCollege London and a lecturer at Nottingham University. Professor Roger Halsonwas Head of the School of Law from 2007-2011.

Professor Roger Halson is interested in all aspects of the law of obligations,particularly contrast law and the law of remedies. He also interested inall approaches to these subjects, including comparative, economic, empirical,historical, theoretical and practical analyses. He is the author of three bookson contract law and remedies, editor of a book of collected essays and havecontributed substantial articles to many leading journals including the LawQuarterly Review.

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