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作者: 时间:2017-06-01 浏览次数:

题目:亚里士多德、孔子与自然法(Aristotle,Confucius,and Natural Law)

主讲人:Prof. Stephen M. Sheppard  史蒂芬·M·谢泼德教授(美国圣玛丽大学法学院院长)

主持人:泮伟江  北京航空航天大学法学院副教授、副院长





Stephen Michael Sheppard became the Dean of the St. Mary’s University School of Law in 2014. He has helped refocus legal education to make every student successful and prepared for a professional life that values justice. A trial and appellate lawyer who has represented both plaintiffs and defendants, a legal historian whose works have been relied on by the courts, a lexicographer and author of a new edition of a classic law dictionary, and a legal philosopher whose works are studied in many countries, Sheppard lives in San Antonio with his wife, Christine, and two of their three children.


J.S.D., Columbia Law School, 2006

LL.M., Columbia Law School, 2001

Litt.M., Oxford University, 1999

J.D., Columbia Law School, 1988

B.A., University of Southern Mississippi, 1985

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